Dyane plastic door handle gaskets Black (2 Pairs)
£35.52 inc VAT
215124 Dyane plastic door handle gaskets Black (pair)
Price varies depending on 2CVGB membership:
Full price: £35.52
2CVGB Member price: £28.42
All prices inc VAT and post and packing
Initially Dyanes were made fitted with aluminium up-turned door handles. In 1973 things changed with more secure door locks fitted to include plastic handles which were grey for the first year. After that Dyane door handles were made from black plastic and similarly fitted to all Acadiane front doors. Underneath each black plastic door handle is a similarly coloured thin plastic gasket. The plastic gasket material degrades over time in the sun-light and breaks away to potentially cause lock mal-function.
SPOG’s black plastic door handle gaskets are produced in opposite hand pairs for either front or rear doors. Therefore two pairs per Dyane, with Acadianes only requiring the one pair. Please note fitting instructions as per the item’s photos